Friday, January 28, 2011

Spring is near

I recently watched a documentary called "food Inc." I really enjoyed watching it and it made me even more excited about growing my own veggies and some fruit. I think if people started growing some of their own veggies would help with a lot of problems in this world. This year I will be doing Organic gardening. I ordered my seeds the other day and now I'm waiting for them to arrive and about 4 more weeks and I can start some seeds inside. 
This week has felt quite long, with all my children the baby blues haven't hit tell about 3 months after the baby was born and well the blue hit this week.  I hope this won't last long and it goes away quick cause I really would like energy and excitement back. The girls have had a fun week, Kin is loving preschool and is excited to go to kindergarten in the fall, Madi has been talking more and more, today Madi was talking about putting her zhu zhu pet in the bucket. Clara is getting so big and really enjoys hearing herself scream and some how it seems she screams louder and louder each time. 
Thomas and I went to Jeff Dunham last week and quite enjoyed it. I really do think I am quite out of shape I went up and down the energy solution center stairs in my boots and my legs were killing me they hurt so bad. Thomas was nice enough to not call me a baby and kindly stopped at a walmart and got me some pain killer.
So far this year has been filled with all sorts of new adventures and lots of prayers that spring will come early. 

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Year and New Adventures!

Me and Thomas have been talking about all the things we want to do this year. Mostly I've been pressuring him into taking us to Disneyland next year for Christmas, which the girls would love.
We also have talked about our garden we are going to grow this year more me talking and Thomas providing me with a wonderful 4ft wide and 12ft length bean pole (Thomas brought home to make a rail to snowboard on). We also found a website that sells temptation corn, this is no ordinary corn, Thomas fell in love with this corn while serving a mission in IN. Also on the list of growing this year, Cherry Tomato, Siox Tomato, Blue lake beans, Dragon tongue Beans, Purple Beans, Yellow wax beans, bell peppers, jalepenos, corn, zucchini, yellow neck squash, beets, carrots, onions, strawberries, lettuce, and a bunch of different herbs.
This is a new year and I hope it goes a lot better than last year, not that last year was bad, not all but it could have been better with out somethings.  In fact this year is going to be a wonderful year and I'm looking forward to all of the adventures we will have whether big or small.